audrey ko
audrey ko

q & a


what is a disciple?  

  • a disciple is an individual chosen by God and has willingly placed himself/herself under the authority of God at all times.

what does a disciple do?  the training is threefold.

  • train (physical) - to subject to certain action, exercises in order to bring to a desired condition.

  • train (mental) - to guide or control the mental, moral development of.

  • train (spiritual) - to discipline or condition to obey commands.

why does a disciple train?

  • there are a multitude of reasons.

  • He bought my loyalty. He hired me, to retire me.

  • He loves me. this is how i show my love for Him. i do not do 90% of what i used to do.

  • it saves me from hurting myself.

  • it saves me from hurting others.

  • when catastrophe strikes, i will already be mentally trained to appropriately address the situation with a much clearer perspective.

  • when satan comes (and he will), i will be able to say, “no, thank you,” instead of backsliding — or at least backslide a whole lot less.

  • only a person who has experienced true love, mercy, and grace can extend true love, mercy, and grace to others. please note that we only extend love, mercy, and grace to those that are truly repentant.

  • i will enjoy serving others — in and only in the capacity God has determined i do.

  • most importantly, i will continue to increase my knowledge of God.

  • why bother earning the trust of mankind when i can try my best to earn the trust of God? He wants me to trust Him completely; He also wants to be able to trust me. people are just not enough.

  • blessings.

  • divine favor is not free, nor should it be.

what happens in quadrant #1?

  • see the road map.

  • if a woman does not work for God, she works for satan. whether she recognizes this or not is another story.

  • if a woman will not submit to God Himself, a woman will never ever respect, trust, and submit to a mortal man. this is a plain fact.

  • pride and insecurity travel together. insecure leadership is set up to fail and limits everyone involved. following insecure men and women is a bad idea. leave them.

what does it feel like in quadrant #2?

  • death. it simulates the feeling of death and losing oneself. you lose all control. not that you really had any to begin with. control is a lie people tell themselves to make themselves feel better and placate their own fears and insecurities.

  • there is a period of solitude that must be experienced for character growth. this is also known as the wilderness.


  • just as the caterpillar must go into its cocoon to become the monarch butterfly, so you must choose. remain a caterpillar or become the monarch butterfly?

  • the wilderness is a rite of passage that cannot be avoided. i will admit i ran. and postponed. the smartest thing i ever did was stop running.

  • your whole life will fall apart, and you will be very alone. if you are not aware that you are in the wilderness, you will die in the wilderness.

  • "i indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but He that cometh after me is mightier than i, whose shoes i am not worthy to bear: He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire." (matthew 3:11) that fire is heee-ooo-ttt!!!

  • do not hold on to people, places, or things. now is a good time to temporarily or permanently remove any type - a personalities that may be on your ship. their predisposed tendency to overreact and rebel is dangerous and collateral damage will ensue. God is counter every manmade culture. the wilderness is all about change. God does not like when mortals try to control and limit Him. you may miss His glory, and that is something you do not want to miss.

  • the only way to get out of the wilderness is by defeating satan with scripture.

  • the only people who know how to get out of the wilderness are people that have passed already. which you probably do not know, because you are alone.

  • Jesus passed in 40 days. the israelites took 40 years, and many died in the wilderness due to disobedience.

  • there are only two options: die in the wilderness or pass the tests. all the tests come from God. and your job is to pass.

  • in an already severely weakened state, temptation will come. if you are not aware you are in the wilderness, most likely you will fail the test repeatedly. you are not “getting lucky”. you are failing!

  • Jesus trained His disciples for around 3.5 years before He left them. this means it will take you 3.5 years or more. longer if you continue to fail. and you cannot afford to fail.

  • "God prepared him not in a day, but over time; not through an event, but with a process. noah waited 120 years before the predicted rains arrived. abraham waited 25 years for a promised son. joseph waited 14 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. job waited perhaps a lifetime, 60-70 years, for God's justice." (john c. maxwell)

  • why so much suffering? why would a loving God do that? to heal you and humble you. to rip all the demons out of you. so you learn constant obedience. to transform you into the reflection of Christ. to screen you by testing you. because as you are going through it, you will be given your spiritual gift (or if already given, it will increase in magnitude dramatically, and you will receive a considerable promotion). if you are not humble, you will not be able to control the power. you will end up accidentally killing the sheep. He will not let that happen.

  • what gets tested? everything. your mind and your heart, all the time. God looks for quality not quantity, selfless not selfish. He serves many but trains few. then He shares His power.

  • power? living in God's presence is the most powerful thing in the world. "verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto My Father. and whatsoever ye shall ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. if ye shall ask anything in My name, I will do it." (john 14:12-14) the spiritual gift given to you is also very powerful and should not be misused.

  • sacrifice precedes promotion. good leaders give up all their rights and take on more responsibility. (john c. maxwell)

  • you also will be given your real ministry, you will receive your anointing, and you will be given your purpose in life. you will have a real relationship with God, a God who sees everything. no more flying blind not knowing what you are doing. no more restless wandering. no more wasted life. no more anxiety. you can ask God a question, and He will bring you an answer. you can ask for anything in the name of Jesus, and you will be given it.

spiritual gift?

  • the gift comes from God Himself.

  • there are nine in the bible.

  • wisdom

  • knowledge (e.g., bible commentary authors)

  • faith

  • gifts of healing

  • miraculous powers

  • prophecy (e.g., a.w. tozer, jack deere) - dreams, visions, hearing, and pictures

  • distinguishing between spirits

  • speaking in different kinds of tongues

  • interpretation of tongues

what do you get?

  • the reward is God & Jesus.

  • perfect leadership. He will train you to be perfect.

  • the command remains: "be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." (matthew 5:48) "I am the Almighty God; walk before Me, and be thou perfect." (genesis 17:1)

  • i was commanded directly to "grow. perfect." with perfect leadership, this is possible. without perfect leadership, this is impossible. with God, yes. without God, no. with Jesus, yes. without Jesus, no. why? the way Jesus talks is always encouraging, hopeful, confident, stable, and assured. He simply points out what is wrong with you, and walks you through removing the flaw. He is very gentle, humble, honest, graceful, safe, secure, firm - a mortal cannot do that for another person. a fallen man/woman typically just yells at you. without Jesus, you will become a severely depressed person trying to be perfect according to what the world thinks is perfect. that is unsustainable.

  • Jesus is perfect. He looks perfect. He speaks perfect. He acts perfect. He thinks perfect. He knows perfect. He loves perfect. it is hard to not fall in love with Jesus. He is walking perfection.

i just do not see Him at church.  i do not see Him in people.  i do not see Him in the world.  where is God?

  • God is not in the jungle (a.k.a. atheist territory).

  • God is not in the zoo (a.k.a. church buildings).

  • God is not in the camp (a.k.a. sheep that are still living in the wilderness and not climbing up the mountain).

  • God is on the mountain in the wilderness! and each individual is called to climb that mountain alone. God does not share.

  • "now moses kept the flock of jethro his father in law, the priest of midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to horeb. and the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed." (exodus 3:1-2)

  • "for they were departed from rephidim, and were come to the desert of sinai, and had pitched in the wilderness; and there israel camped before the mount. and moses went up unto God, and the Lord called unto him out of the mountain..." (exodus 19:2-3)

  • "and moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God; and they stood at the nether part of the mount." (exodus 19:17) they were never allowed to climb up.

  • God can be anywhere and control anything He wants. but an individual meets Him and is prepared by Him to really serve Him, by going into the wilderness and climbing that mountain.

  • being called to the mountain is a great honor and privilege with much responsibility. i many times i lost count. no one deserves it.

  • organized religion is a lie. i do not attend church. satan entered the church system before millennials were even born. the church then killed the true prophets of God who were sent to protect the church from demonic attack. the abomination that causes desolation is more than one abomination and has already taken positions of leadership within the american church to change God's laws and times. if you read the whole bible and understand what God is commanding, the church is not obeying it. i have never seen a church that was fully following the bible. God has given you permission to flee. it is time to flee. "when ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) then let them which be in judaea flee into the mountains." (matthew 24:15) & "wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you." (2 corinthians 6:17)

what type of person does God choose to use?  a person that likes:

  • solitude

  • "when you have resolved to be great, abide by yourself, and do not weakly try to reconcile yourself with the world. the heroic cannot be the common, nor the common the heroic." (ralph waldo emerson)

  • "the greatest miracle that God can do today is to take an unholy man out of an unholy world and make him holy, then put him back into that unholy world and keep him holy in it." (leonard ravenhill)

  • "great eagles fly alone; great lions hunt alone; great souls walk alone - alone with God. such loneliness is hard to endure, and impossible to enjoy unless God accompanied. prophets are lone men; they walk alone, pray alone, and God makes them alone." (leonard ravenhill)

  • simplicity

  • vision

  • courage

  • humility (list by a.w. tozer)

  • do not worry. if you are not like that now, He will make you into that in the wilderness. unless you want to fail.

what is Jesus's presence like?

  • He dies, i die.

  • He lives, i live.

  • He moves, i move.

  • He stops, i wait.

  • an adrenaline rush. every single time.

  • "if to worship God is to approach Him, to wonder at God is to be conscious of His nearness." (laura ortberg turner)

what is the fruit of the Holy Spirit?

  • faithfulness

  • gentleness

  • goodness

  • joy

  • kindness

  • long suffering

  • love

  • peace

  • self-control

what is backsliding?

  • if a person does not worship God, the individual is worshipping something else.

  • the common vices of mankind include, but are not limited to:

  • pornography: consequence = drastically reduces your ability to have real companionship with the opposite sex, guilt and shame resulting in a mental disorder, distrust.

  • adultery: consequence = you do not have real companionship with your mate at all (primary), mental anguish (secondary), financial (secondary), distrust.

  • gluttony: consequence = unhealthy weight gain, financial hit, distrust.

  • shopping: consequence = financial hit, distrust.

  • gambling: consequence = financial hit, distrust.

  • drinking: consequence = physical and mental degradation of the body (primary), financial loss (secondary), distrust.

  • drugs/smoking: consequence = physical and mental degradation of the body (primary), financial loss (secondary), distrust.

  • controlling others: consequence = mental disorder, too much work and energy expenditure, distrust.

  • hoarding: hoarding includes junk, money, girlfriends, boyfriends, and the like which is best defined as american greed. consequence = just plain messy, abandonment issues, distrust.

  • failure: some people are addicted to failure. they want it, expect it, and force it to happen repeatedly. consequence = well, failure.

  • "not all who wander are lost." (j.r.r. tolkien)

  • people do not need a lecture, they need a picture.

  • my personal opinion is that sinners make the best transfer students. why? you are good at fighting. you were just fighting the wrong thing.

  • we all do it.

how long does it take to read the entire bible?

  • it takes the average american 90 hours.

  • allocate one hour a day, and the bible can be read four times a year.

can i donate to audrey ko?     

  • no, audrey ko falls under 415tory.

  • 415tory is sole source funded to remain pure.

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